Summer right around the corner means warm weather and higher levels of humidity, which can lead to frizzy hair. During this season some popular treatments can be done to help eliminate frizz. Treatments such as Brazilian blowout and keratin treatments both have benefits depending on which treatment is most suitable for your hair.

The Difference Between Brazilian Blowout and Keratin Treatment
Brazilian blowouts and keratin treatments have the same effect on hair. Both eliminate frizz and smooth the hair. They are safe for all hair types including color-treated hair. The main difference between the Brazilian blowout and keratin treatment is that the Brazilian blowout is more customizable. With a Brazilian blowout, the hair stylist can tailor it to your natural hair texture meaning you don’t have to sacrifice your volume or waves.
Another way in which the Brazilian blowout and keratin treatment differ is the downtime. After a keratin treatment, you can’t get your hair wet for 72 hours. The Brazilian blowout does not require any downtime, you can go about your regular styling routine. Another difference to note is the intensity of both treatments. The Brazilian blowout is lighter and will leave hair with more of your natural texture. Keratin tends to be heavier which helps better tame fizz and takes away the additional volume of your hair.
The method of application for these treatments does vary. For the Brazilian blowout, the process usually takes two hours, and the results are instant. As opposed to the keratin treatment which will take approximately 3 hours and you will leave the salon with your hair partially done. After the keratin treatment is done you have to wait 72 hours to allow for the keratin to crystalize.
Now that we’ve given you a rundown of both the Brazilian Blowout and keratin treatment and the process of each, now is your turn to determine which one is right for you! Beauty Lounge RI offers these services and more. Interested in booking? Contact us today to book an appointment!